Open Links Automatically

In the 'Settings' tab in Orum, users have the option to activate the 'Open Links Automatically' functionality.  These options allow Orum to attempt to open the associated prospect information in separate browser tabs.  Orum users can benefit from having these other informational resources available to have more engaging conversations with their prospects.  



**Please note that this functionality may not be available for all prospects.  

The following are some basic troubleshooting steps which can be used in the event that several examples take place of prospect links not loading:

1. Ensure that your pop-up blocker is not enabled for

2. Orum recommends using a fully updated version of the Google Chrome browser.

3. If the feature has been enabled during your current Orum session, please try to log out and back in.

4. Please use the 'Submit A Request' option in the top right corner or

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