This article describes how to work with dispositions in Orum if you are integrated via Salesforce. If you have detailed questions regarding dispositions configuration in Orum, please reach out to your Orum Account Executive or Customer Success Manager for further assistance.
There are two ways that dispositions can be changed:
1. Org Level Disposition Changes (prior to calls being made)
2. Changing Dispositions once calls have been completed.
Changing Dispositions for the entire Org (before making calls - admin only)
A. Admin must login into Orum and choose the “Settings” Tab
B. From the Settings page, admins can add or edit dispositions by simply clicking the add disposition button, or by clicking edit next to the disposition they wish to edit.
Changing Dispositions after a call has been completed.
- Not all dispositions after calls can be changed.
- Go to the “Call history” tab.
- Orum Admins can apply filters at the top of the page to find a specific rep or time frame. (Note: standard users do not have this functionality)
- Scroll to the right and look for the “Disposition” column. The dispositions that are hyperlinked in blue are able to be modified.
4. After clicking the disposition hyperlink, a small pop up window appears. The new disposition can be designated here. Please be sure to click save when finished.