This article describes how to find a link to a recorded call in Orum.
Resolution Steps:
From the Orum dashboard, find and select the "Call History" option on the top left.
Look for the "Call Details" panel to the left of the Rep name on the Call History page.
On the left side of the Call History page, the "Call Details" panel will appear.
On the upper left side of the panel, you will find options to copy your recording link, download the recording and listen to your recording in a new tab.
If you need links to provide to the Orum Support team, please take a look at the example call(s), choose the linked chain icon, and include the copied URL in your support request.
***If these options are not visible, it could be that the user does not have appropriate access permissions or call recording is not enabled in Orum.***
To enable call recording, Please use the process outlined in this support article.