Search Lists

Search Lists: How to Bring in Your Prospects


How do I get my prospects into Orum?


By creating reports in Salesforce.

Outreach & SalesLoft

Orum will bring in Sequences and Cadences


Call lists and tasks (please note, we do not integrate with directly with Deals)

Google CSV

Uploading CSV files

What Salesforce reports does Orum support?

Please see: Support Salesforce Reports


What are the Salesforce report best practices?

Reports in Salesforce should include all the fields the reps need for context when they are connected. This should also include all fields that they need to edit. To prevent workflow issues like calling someone you’ve previously connected with, you will want to apply filters. For example, when you connect with a prospect reps change the lead status from “new” to “two-way contact”. The report only filters for the “new” status, so this lead will now drop off this list and not reappear.


How do I customize the fields in the lists?

This is done by going into SFDC and adding/removing fields from the report. How you order the report and what fields you select will determine what shows up in Orum.


Why aren’t my prospects showing up? / Why aren’t all my call tasks showing up?

There are a few reasons.

You first want to check to see if you have any Orum filters applied and remove those. You will also want to hit “refresh” if you are in the middle of a list.

When you begin dialing, Orum will automatically grey out all prospects that don’t have a valid US or Canadian phone number in the phone field you’ve selected. It will also grey out any prospects where there was no number or we previously called and encountered a dial-tree or the # failed 3 times. Please check that you’ve selected the correct phone field and that it contains valid numbers. These prospects will show up at the bottom of your list.


For reports ensure that “show details” is selected. If you hide details, we’re unable to import a report. If you’ve made any changes to the report, ensure that you’ve hit “refresh”.

Outreach / SalesLoft

You will want to make sure that the call tasks are due or past due. You do not have any filters applied, and you’ve hit REFRESH to bring the list to the most current state. Keep in mind we only show call tasks associated with you.


You will want to make sure that the call tasks are due or past due. If you are using a call list, it will need to be contact-based. You do not have any filters applied, and you’ve hit REFRESH to bring the list to the most current state. Keep in mind we only show call tasks associated with you.

How do I load a sequence in my list?

Navigate to the search lists bar.

How do I customize the fields in the lists?

Outreach / SalesLoft / HubSpot --

Go to the settings tab > Integrations Settings > Displayed {crm} Fields For All Reps:

Displayed fields settings.png
Settings Tab: Customize What Fields Appear When Dialing & Connecting


Salesforce / Google CSV --

The visible fields are controlled by the fields that are present on the given report or CSV file.



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