Create a KPI Salesforce Report

Quickly generate a Salesforce Report to be able to calculate your sales team’s or individual rep’s KPIs and performance.

🚨 This guide is for users that do not want to use Orum’s ready-made Analytics to calculate metrics like dials per day, average meetings booked, and connect rate.

Start the Report

  1. Go to the ‘Reports’ tab in Salesforce
  2. Select ‘New Report’
  3. Using the search bar or left-side menu, find ‘Tasks and Events’
  4. Select ‘Start Report’

Customize the Report Columns

  1. Add a column for ‘Call Dispositions’ or ‘Call Results’ depending on your sales team organizes this within your specific Salesforce instance
  2. Add a column for ‘Assigned’
    1. This will allow you to see which sales rep is associated with each task or event
  3. Add any other columns you may need:
    1. Date
    2. Company/Account
    3. Contact
    4. Lead
    5. Subject
    6. Status

Customize the Report Filters

  1. Navigate to Filters
  2. Add these filters:
    1. Show me: ‘All Activities’
    2. Date: Add your specific date range ex. Last month
    3. Show: Completed Activities
    4. Task Subtype: ‘equals Call’
    5. Assigned: *Here you can add a specific rep if you’d like to

Then, make sure to ‘Save & Run’. Now, you have a report that can be used to calculate a sales rep’s KPIs.

Tips to make the Report easier to read

You can use the group feature for columns and rows to make it easier to digest

  1. Select the dropdown for the ‘Orum Disposition’ column and then select ‘Group Rows by This Field’.
  2. Select the dropdown for the ‘Assigned’ column and select ‘Group Columns by This Field’

That will make the report smaller and allow you to easily see the record counts to make your calculations even easier

How to calculate KPIs using this Report

Now that the Report is ready, we can use the data to calculate the KPIs for a specific sales rep. This will take a little bit of quick math on your part.

How to find dials per day

  1. At the bottom of the report, find the total. This is the total number of dials made in 1 month, which is the time duration we’ve established in our filters. If you’ve set yours to be different, you will need to alter your math in the following steps
  2. Take the total ex. 2,885 dials and divide that by the working days in that month ex. April which has 21 working days
  3. Divide total dials by working days (2,885/21) which results in 135
  4. We can safely assume that this rep made an average of 135 calls per day

How to find other averages

  1. You can use your call dispositions to find the average of other meaningful metrics ex. Meetings Booked
  2. Take the total from that specific disposition ex. Meetings Booked is 12 and just like in the previous example, divide by the total amount of working days in that month which is 21 for April
  3. Then, divide the total meetings booked by working days (12/21)
  4. This results in .57 meaning this specific sales rep booked .57 meetings per day in the month of April

How to find connect rate

  1. Take the total 2,885 dials and subtract any ‘No answer’ call dispositions and others that may have resulted in no connects such as:
    1. Busy Signal
    2. Failed
    3. Left Voicemail
    4. Went to Voicemail
    5. Wrong Phone Number
  2. After subtracting those dispositions from our total (2,885), we are left with 154 connects
  3. Then, divide by the total and multiply by 100 (154/2,885 x 100)
  4. That results in a connect rate of 5.39%

And there you go. You now have established a Salesforce Report to quickly find your sales team’s or individual rep's performance and KPIs.

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